Abstract submission is now open.

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Abstract submissions open30 July 2024
Abstract submissions close20 September 2024
Notification of acceptanceby 7 October 2024
Presenters must be registered for the Summit30 November 2024

Abstract Themes 2024

  • Positive parenting and family resilience

  • Domestic violence and fostering safe family environment

  • Urbanisation and adaptation of family

  • Migration and family life cycle

  • Healthy lifestyle in urbanisation context

  • Intergenerational connectedness & family caregiving

  • Gender equality and empowerment

  • Evidence-based policy making for family well-being

  • Building partnerships between academia, practitioners, and policymakers for family-focused initiatives

  • Mental health among all ages

  • Climate change and vulnerable groups

  • Climate change, health and well-being

  • Evaluating the impact of family well-being policies and interventions

  • The Role of Technology in Enhancing Family Well-being

  • Digital divide and family well-being

  • Innovative practices and programmes for promoting family well-being

  • Others

Content Requirements

  • The abstract should be a maximum of 200 words and a minimum of 150 words.

  • All content in the abstract must be in English. All selected papers have to be presented in English.

  • No figures or tables should be included in the abstract.

  • It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author.

  • Please select 5 keywords for your presentation. These words should give a hint of your paper's content.

  • All abstracts and full papers should NOT be published previously.

  • Research papers should include the purpose, methods, results, and conclusion based on scientific procedure.

  • Abstract submission must be completed via the online submission system with the following format:

    • For Author and Co-author(s)
      Please use first name in capital first letter and last name in full capital letters.

    • For Author's Title
      Please use position, organisation and country as below:
      Assistant Professor,
      Polytechnic University of Hong Kong,
      Hong Kong SAR, China

  • One abstract can only include 6 authors.

  • One author can only submit a maximum of 2 abstracts as the first author or 3 abstracts as the co-author.

  • Deadline for submission: 20 September 2024

  • The Scientific Committee of the Asian Family Summit will select and decide on the acceptance of papers for either oral or poster presentations.

Abstract Sample

Abstract Title:

Family Health, Happiness & Harmony: A Comprehensive Study on Interconnected Well-being


Positive parenting and family resilience

Author Name:

Peter, Tai-Man CHAN

Author's Position, Organisation and Region/Country:

Professor of Family Medicine, Wellness Research Institute


  • Herman, Tai-Ming LO
  • John Smith
  • Tai-ling ZHANG

Abstract Content:

In Hong Kong, 4% of children are suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Their parents report higher level of stress and more negative parenting styles. A Family-Based Mindfulness Intervention (FBMI) is developed to manage the ADHD symptoms of children and the well-being of the family. The objectives of the project are to improve family well-being and examine the effectiveness of FBMI.

A multi-centre, 8-week, wait-list randomised controlled trial of FBMI is being conducted in Hong Kong. The effectiveness is examined by comparing the groups receiving treatment to a wait-list control group. 85 of children at age of 5 to 7, with ADHD symptoms and their parents are recruited.

Results of the repeated measure ANOVA showed that 85 families after the programme had significant improvements in child ADHD symptoms (F[1, 83] = 12.02, p = .00), behavioural problems (F[1, 83] = 6.24, p = .01), and parental stress (F[1, 83] = 9.09, p = .00), and children after FBMI programme were found to have significant improvement in ADHD symptoms and behavioural problems. Parental stress was reduced. Further studies may examine the application of FBMI in other age groups and target population, and may compare the outcome with other intervention approaches.


Family Health, Happiness, Harmony, Well-being, Family Dynamics

If you have any questions about abstract, please contact the Conference Secretariat at secretariat@afs2024.org.

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